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best Commercial Real Estate? : Learn from Experts 2023

What is Commercial Real Estate

Are you a business owner or investor who thinks about the world of real estate? In that case, you might wonder “What is commercial real estate?“. So, Motazedi CPA PC is here to clear all your queries. In this blog, we will cover all insights and details of real estate.   What is Commercial Real Estate?  […]

What is a Real Estate Broker?

What is a Real Estate Broker

You may feel confused by the abundance of unfamiliar words and phrases you’ve met while searching for a new home. We tend to use the terms “broker,” “agent,” and “REALTOR” interchangeably. Because most people aren’t familiar with the distinctions among real estate professionals and the services they provide. The purpose of this blog is to […]

Bookkeeping Services For Small Business

Bookkeeping Services For Small Business

Running a small business is a juggling act. So, realizing that you must also tackle bookkeeping can be a bit intimidating. You might wonder, can’t you just hand it off to an accountant? But there are good reasons why every business owner should have a professional bookkeeping service. That’s why we’re here to explore bookkeeping […]